670G or wait for 780g (currently on TSlimX2)

Hi, Ryan, I too am thinking about lightening up my mental burden of managing diabetes with the 670 but when I read your post it kinda answered my question, if I should upgrade to the 670. I found out that I have to wait 1 more extra year to get a new pump. I have my eyes set on the 780. I won’t be eligible for a new pump until Feb 2023. Urghhh!!! I am hoping medtronic will have an upgrade option. I can get good control on my 630.

I tried the Tslim but I was unable to use it as some of my basal rates are below the minimum of 1u basal. I even tried giving 0 basal one hour then give more in the next hour but it didn’t work for me. I was very disappointed. I might switch to the 670 to lighten my mental burden but if I do that I some how don’t think it will accomplish that. The constant alarms, calibrating and mental workload might be too much.

If you’re referring to the quick bolus option on the TSLIM it can be set to 0.5, 1, 2 and 5 units. 0.5 is the smallest.

No, I am referring to the lowest basal on the tslim. Medtronic has the lowest. You have .025, .050, & .075. I use these rates on my 630g as I am on a small amount of insulin.

Apologies for misunderstanding. I just checked my Tandem and the lowest basal is 0.1 - I’m impressed and envious that you need less😊 and glad you found the pump that suits your needs.

I wish I needed more as my dexcom does not integrate with the medtronic pumps. URGHH! Medtronic is supposed to make a new pump that makes it able to connect to any cgm in the future. I have 2 years to get a new pump. Even if I wanted to upgrade my 630 there is nothing better than what I have. I have heard that the 670 is a big burden on people who have it. They want to throw it out the window sometimes. I guess I continue with what I have been doing for the last 13 years since I have been pumping.

I have been using the 670g and guardian sensor since 2018. In my opinion the pump is great. The Guardian on the other hand is a nightmare !

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I am now using a770 with guardian 3 sensors. The sensors aren’t great but they are good enough to keep me level. They are hard to trust the last 2 days of sensor life. I am anxiously waiting for the g4. Zero calibrations and more reliability. The770 will recieve a software upgrade when the 780 is approved. Hopefully this April as I have heard others say. Covid is putting a damper on things getting approved quicker. Can’t wait for this amazing technology to be approved.

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I was in the process of ordering Tandem and Dexcom when I saw this. 780G accepting pre-orders May 15.

I’m so confused.

Dee @HighHopes , this system has been in the works for a few years; I was impressed with the results achieved in the first trial - the trial was a very limited number of subjects, but they lived in a “controlled setting”, all students at the University where this was developed.

The major difference between the MiniMed-Guardian system and the Tandem-Dexcom system is that with the MiniMed-Guardian system, carb-counting and entering that data [as necessary with Tandem-Dexcom] is eliminated.

I do understand that the new Guardian is more reliable than former versions, although the [only] 75% TIR, on the 70-180 range, does not impress me at all. That said, in that you are considering a “new” system and believe the MiniMed will be a favorable assistant, why not move to MiniMed-guardian.

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I’m seriously considering it. I’m placing my plans on hold for the Tandem and Dexcom for now. This is my hesitation.

What if I wait til summer for the Medtronic 780 and the promises aren’t what they claim. It’s more over promising that results in glitches and more aggravation? I would be very disappointed to say the least. And locked in for years once again to a system that frustrates me.

Plus, doing this wait period for a 780, I’ll have to pay money out of pocket for a new transmitter for my 670, as it’s out of warranty and won’t last much longer.

And, lastly, I’ve been so beaten down by my experience that I feel it a betrayal to give Medtronic another chance. Lol. I know it sounds crazy, but I feel like I’ve suffered trauma from all the issues. Still……in the big picture, I’ll have to do what is BEST for me. I’ll stick with Medtronic if that is the case. I wish I could do a trial run. Will they give me 30 days to return it, if I don’t like it? Lol

I was wondering the same thing as I read your response. If I recall correctly when I got my very first pump - a Minimed 504 - we had a trial period. In fact I wore it for a couple of weeks bolusing and learning to fill with sterile saline so I could see how I liked wearing a pump in the first place! It’s a very expensive and lengthy commitment so being able to “try before you buy” would be great. Of course a medical device is not like a car and each one can only have one owner so they can’t be re-use, but it sure would be helpful. I think the only way to get out of it would be by documenting that it truly did not work for you. Otherwise you would have to go out of pocket to make the switch. All the best to you in your decision!

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I’m going to explore it. Based on what I’ve experienced, I think I deserve a free pump. Lol

Dee @HighHopes, in my opinion, waiting is wise. Other than for jumping to Control IQ, I usually wait to see how new devices and systems work in the “real world” and listen to the praise and gripes of those actually using them on a day-to-day basis - and the results.

Know that the Tandem CIQ algorithm differs from the Insulet/Medtronic algorithms which operate in similar method; this is written up in a couple of professional journals. Also, remember that there isn’t a pump or automated system that replaces entirely user input and common diabetes sense.

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@HighHopes - the 780 is aL ready in use in Europe and I found a website where users there have posted their thoughts:

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That’s great. Thanks a lot. So, the opinions are a mixed bag. Ugh….I just knew I’d get cold feet when I started reading negative stuff about Medtronic G4. Each product has their own issues I suppose.

I know about that mixed bag. With Omnipod a lot of what I noticed were matters of personal preference, or people had problems with Dexcom which I knew worked well for me. From what I’ve glanced at on that link - which admittedly isn’t much - users are complaining about true functional issues with the 780 some of which were reported with previous models - and it was rises in the UK released in the UK in 2021. Frustrating!

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I also feel as my 670 G performs in unpredictable cycles. For a couple of weeks things go smoothly, numbers are very good. No drama. Then, it’s all over the place with no real explanation. I’m dining the same thing, so why are the numbers so wild? It’s been explained to me that it’s just the way TI is.

When I read the reports of the repeated Sensor updating notification, I cringed. That’s been a big issue for me, I’ve had good luck with my sensor lasting the full time and adhesion is good, but the Sensor Updating is relentless. Also Enter BG when in Auto mode.