Looking for an endo in Japan (Kyoto area)

Hi everyone,

My name is Arleta and although I am new to the forum, I am not new to T1D. My son was diagnosed with T1D almost 15 years ago. He is 21 now and lives and studies in Japan at Kansai Gaidai University near Kyoto/Osaka. He is having a hard time finding an endocrinologist there and is not sure about the options that are available to people with T1D in terms of pumps and CGMs. He has found a general doctor who prescribes his insulin, but has been coming to the US every 6 months to get his labs done and refill his supplies. As he is planning on staying in Japan for at least another 2 years, we were wondering if anyone here has more information on T1D management there and potential endo contacts. Any information is much appreciated!

This may be a longshot but try contacting the State Department: they have resources for travelers and might be able to give you some names. Your son might also contact the US Embassy in his area.
PS - do a search for “Japan” on the forum and you might find some members you can reach out to.

Welcome back to the Forum, Arleta, in another 2 weeks you will receive a 10 year “anniversary badge” for when you created your TypeOneNation Account.

My suggestion for your son in Japan is for him to seek out the best diabetologist available - a physician who knows diabetes - and not look for someone with the fancy “Endocrinologist” label. Yes, many endocrinologists are really good diabetologists, but nit all and not all endos [even in my area of Florida] seek patients with diabetes.

Keep in mind, that the Endocrine Society whose members are known as Endocrinologists, based in Washington D.C. has only 18,000 members worldwide and I don’t see a facility in Japan. On a personal level during my seven decades with diabetes, I have worked with and been greatly educated and helped by some of the best “diabetes” doctors and only the last two have called themselves endo.

After 15 years I expect that your son has a good knowledge for managing his diabetes, and he should also know what lab tests he should also be reviewing; suggest that he have with him the lab reports covering the last few years - Japan has good medical facilities / hospitals where the lab work can be done. I don’t know what diabetes supplies he needs that can not be obtained there, or shipped there. Perhaps he could find good doctors through his university or, by visiting a university with a medical school.

Good luck to him.

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Hi Arleta
I found this info for Medtronic in Japan. I hope this is useful to you and your son. Medtronic might be able to provide a resource to your son.
All the best to you, and him. We’re all in this together.
Medtronic Japan Co., Ltd.
1-2-70 Konan, Minato-ku,
Tokyo Japan 108-0075
Shinagawa Season Terrace 22F

Phone: (+81) 3-6774-4611
Fax: (+81) 3-6774-4605
24 Hr. Support Line: 0120-56-32-56 (within Japan only)
